100 % Raw All-Natural Honey

From the Regions in Central Italy

Raw, Unheated, Unfiltered, Unprocessed & Honey

Purely 100% Sicilian and 100% Italian

Our passion for honey and our heritage as “Apicultori” go back many generations. Our grandfathers worked in The Serra di Mezzo mountain range in the heart of Sicily in Pietraperzia (province of Enna) and our farm has been in our family since before 1890. Growing up there was a wonderful experience and taught us a lot about the land and nature.

Our bees today work in many regions of Italy, always harvesting nectar from the fullest and richest areas for each different flower and/or tree type. Our Italian Honey selections include Acacia, Millefiori (Wildflower), Girasole (Sunflower) and Ciliegio (Cherry Blossom).

Our bees keep busy at work with the abundance of nectars to choose from and we care for them with a love for nature and for what they produce. Our land, our bees and the way we extract the honey from the combs are things we keep in their purest and simplest forms and the result is nature’s pure, simple and All-Natural Raw “Italian Gold”.

Our Honey is...

  • Pure, Raw with No additives, No diluting and Nothing artificial.
  • Unheated and Unfiltered.
  • Never Mixed with Other Honeys.
  • 100% Natural and 100% Italian.
  • Harvested direct from the combs and the extractor into the jar and sealed.

From the beautifully unique mountains of Italy, we bring this tradition of excellence, quality and truly exceptional taste to you.

Our Honey Products

Acacia Honey

Cherry Blossom Honey

Wildflower Honey

Sunflower Honey

A Little About Our Different Types of Honey

100% Italian Acacia Honey

Acacia Honey is a light colored honey, almost like “White Gold”, with delicate yellowish hues. It is considered a very precious honey. The fragrance is floral, very fruity and very pleasant. Acacia Honey is wonderfully sweet and rich with seemingly a hint of vanilla. It has a clean and slightly flowery aftertaste and an extremely smooth and lasting finish. Acacia honey is low in acid content and high in fructose content, therefore it generally stays in liquid form and will only crystallize at very low temperatures.

100% Italian Cherry Blossom Honey

Cherry Honey has a slightly more liquid consistency than other honey types and has a rich, deep yellow color. It tastes extremely pleasant and recalls the taste of fruity cherries with an aftertaste slightly reminiscent of almond. Cherry honey lends itself well as a spread for bread and goes exceptionally well with cheeses and also as a sweetener for yogurt, milk and hot drinks. Cherry honey is also known for its purifying and antioxidant properties, facilitating the detoxification of the liver and kidneys.

100% Italian Wildflower Honey

Wildflower Honey has the many precious properties of various plants and is unique in terms of aroma, flavor and characteristics. It has two basic varieties, Light (which is more delicate and sweet) and Dark (which has a more decisive fragrance and bolder taste). It contains many minerals and antioxidants and is an effective adjutant in the treatment of various diseases. It is also an excellent antibacterial agent. It stimulates the digestive system and helps to purify the liver and helps to improve circulation.

100% Italian Sunflower Honey

Sunflower Honey is very opaque golden yellow and has a rich scent of hay and exotic fruits. The taste is very similar to the smell; very sweet, slightly herbaceous, with a fresh fruity sensation and lasting aftertaste. Its texture and crystallization are usually present and are very fine. It is rich in pollen, making it an excellent natural tonic. It has properties that can help lower cholesterol and is known to help with bone reconstruction. It’s perfect for cakes and biscuits and as a natural sweetener for teas.

Raw and Pure, 100% Italian

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